Procrastination : A Brief Study On How To Overcome It

Procrastination: A Brief Study On How To Overcome It

Procrastination (n): the action of delaying or postponing something.
                                doing more pleasurable things rather than less pleasurable things.
                                doing less urgent work rather than more urgent work.

Greek philosophers Socrates and Aristotle described this procrastination word as Akrasia
Akrasia(n): the state of mind in which someone acts against their better judgment through weakness of will.
                    lack of self-control

"My advice is, never do to-morrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time. Collar him!"  
              -Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

Causes Of Procrastination:

First, you should know the reason why are you procrastinating. What is the main reason for procrastination for you? Then learn how to overcome it.
Think a little harder to know your exact reason from the given points. I suggest you take a pen and paper to write it down the reason.

1. Lack of self-regulation- (lack of self-control)

The main reason for procrastination is lack of self-control. We have no control over our own lives. We always do things that are more pleasurable instead of the most important. We want instant gratification instead of long term benefits. This happens unconsciously(in our subconscious mind). We are wired with our old habits and old mindset from childhood.
We never analyze our own thoughts, our patterns, our habits that are leading us. We should analyze our patterns, our thoughts and learn to control these patterns and thoughts.

I have taken a scene from the Bollywood movie "Dear Zindagi" which perfectly defines the importance of the control of patterns in our life.

Genius is about knowing when to stop.

Rule your mind or it wil rule you.
Overcome- Analyze your patterns, thoughts, habits.
                   Write down your all thoughts when you are procrastinating and solve them one by one. 

2. Perfectionism

The other main cause of procrastination is perfection. We are human beings and we want perfection in every little thing. We want a perfect body, perfect essay, perfect report, perfect relationship, perfect resume, etc. This becomes a problem when you try something new. You even find perfect time to start working.
You want praise for your work. You want that people will proud of your work and you want best. Because of this, you are procrastinating.

Overcome- You have to start without thinking of perfection.
                   Always remember that "Nobody's perfect. You live and you learn it."

3. Fear

As we are human beings, it is our common nature to have too many fears. We have a fear of failure, fear of success, fear of being judged, fear of missing out things in life, fear of love, etc. This fear of failure leads us to procrastinate. Because you don't want to fail. Even no one wants to fail. Procrastination serve as protection mechanism - it protects you from fear of failure. Read it again- protects you from fear of failure, not from failure. If you procrastinate, there is a 100% chance that you are going to fail. But if you overcome procrastination and take action, then there are more chances of success.

Overcome - Take action.
                    Do tough task in morning
                    Understand and accept that failure is not fatal
                    Give permission to yourself to fail

"Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." - Robert F. Kennedy

"Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing." - Denis Waitley 
4.  Lack of focus

      Lack of focus is also the cause of procrastination. In this 21st century, where you get easily every possible distraction, it is difficult to focus on one task.
You also feel a lack of focus when you are poor in time management and indecisive in nature.

Overcome- Manage your time
                  Put your phone on silent/airplane mode when you do important tasks
                  Set personal, health, financial goals on a daily basis

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Small Steps To Get Out From Procrastination


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