Small Steps To Get Out From Procrastination

Small Steps To Get Out From Procrastination

Procrastination is a habit. The benefit is that you can unlearn old habits and learn new habits. There are small steps to take to get rid of procrastination. So let's begin

1. Forgive yourself

Accept that you have a habit of procrastination and forgive yourself for the same. Forgive yourself for all the situations you had created from this habit. Forgive yourself if you have any financial problems or any personal problem because of this habit. Make a clear decision that you are going to break this habit. 

2. Planning

Start your day by making a clear plan for the whole day. Set goals for the day and to-do list. Set your tasks according to your priority. Break the task into smaller tasks. Do the priority task in the morning. This gives you a sense of achievement in the initial part of the day and then your self-confidence increases and then the self-esteem increases. Keep motivational quotes in front of your eyes so that you will do work when you feel low energy.

3. Environment

Keep your environment clean. The environment affects your mood and productivity. Keep your space organized. Clean your table and keep your important stuff on your table. Remove all the things from the table which causes distraction. Keep your phone on silent/airplane mode while you working.

4. Distraction list

When you are working on your important task, you notice that there are many thoughts pop in your mind. Some thoughts are repetitive. Grab a pen and paper. Write every single thought on the paper which comes in your mind while you are in working mode. When you will analyze those thoughts, you will notice that these are repetitive. These thoughts will never come again in your mind while you are working.

5. Hang out with people who inspire you

Hang out with people who inspire you to take action. Spend your time with the people who inspire you, motivate you. Because 

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”- Jim Rohn

6. Reward yourself

Give a reward like favorite chocolate, coffee from your favorite coffee shop when you complete a task because you overcome procrastination and get 1% better. This is a time to celebrate your growth and notice how good you feel when you accomplished the difficult things. 1%  better every day makes you 37 times better in a year.

7. Make time for your hobbies

You are procrastinating because of your stress, which may be financial stress, health regarding stress, etc. So make time for your hobbies to get out of your stress and find out the solutions easily. This is a kind of self-care because you deserve one hour from the twenty-four hours for yourself.

8. Don't wait for right time and right mood

People are procrastinating because they wait for the right mood for the work. They wait for the right situation for the work. Believe me, you will never find the right time, the right situation, right mood for the work. You have to do work in every situation. Situations are never going to be in control. 


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